is a very easy, accurate and instant trusted medium to buy/sell dollars for all freelancers in Bangladesh. Our aim is to transform our country into the highest foreign exchange earning country by increasing Bangladesh's foreign exchange earnings.
1. All the outsourcer/online earners in Bangladesh can receive their money in a very short time through their mobile phones.
2. All earners should be able to buy/sell their dollars accurately and reliably in a short period of time.
3. Don't get scammed by buying/selling dollars from strangers.
4. Buy/sell dollars from social sites to not be harmed by Butpar.
5. No matter where you are located in Bangladesh to buy/sell dollars from there.
How Works ?
The younger generation around the world is now turning towards outsourcing. Likewise, Bangladesh is no longer lagging behind. Currently, Bangladesh ranks 26th in outsourcing in the world and 10th in the Asian continent, which is very important. Those of us who are earning online from Bangladesh but many times it is seen that we cannot exchange dollars or even if we can, the fee is very high or many people want to exchange very little dollars but they cannot because the amount is less. So we at exchange dollars of all outsourcers considering their benefits. Outsourcing works to earn money which you cannot withdraw through dealers/moneychangers recognized by Bangladesh Bank. You can get your earned money through us through Bk, Rocket and Cash. Again, if you need virtual dollars for Freelancing, Outsourcing or Domain Hosting purchase or any other work, which you cannot exchange through dealers/moneychangers recognized by Bangladesh Bank, you can exchange those dollars through our site. We aim to ensure that no income fails for those who earn less dollars from online. Arrange for all payments to be received. Thanks for being by our side.